All Souls Anglican Church

Huntersville/University City/Concord, NC

All Souls Anglican Church is a gospel-centered, sacramental, missional fellowship seeking the good of our community in the name of Jesus.

Join us at Huntersville ARP Church Sundays at 4:15 PM!

All Souls will be worshipping with St. Jude's Anglican Church during October and November. Come and see how God is at work in and through All Souls and St. Jude's!

Interested in getting to know us? Email Fr. John at

At All Souls we value:

Life with Jesus

The call of Jesus is “follow me.” We are followers/disciples/apprentices of Jesus and therefore are learning to receive his love, cultivate the awareness of his presence, and live out his teachings in every area of our lives. And because we will never do these things perfectly in this life, we are learning more and more to rely on his grace, confess our sins, and again begin again.

Life Together

We are designed to follow this life of faith together. Christianity is relational. We believe that deep, meaningful relationships with the people around us are critical for a deep, meaningful relationship with God (Matt. 7:12; Eph. 4:15-16). Because we are eternally secure and significant in Christ, we are not afraid to humbly give and receive bold love as iron sharpens iron. And at the same time, the church is the family of God, which means that it is to be a safe space for all of us to acknowledge that we are sinners, that we don't have it all figured out, that we haven't arrived yet, but that we are in this journey together.

Life for Others.

Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 22:37-40). We endeavor to follow these two great commands of the Bible corporately and individually. Jesus said, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” (John 20:21). We are a sent people, a people in mission. This mission includes making disciples, planting churches, and seeking the flourishing of life for everyone in our communities and the world. We also want to partner with other churches in our community and in our region in ministries of word and deed.

And in all things...Beauty.

What is an Anglican church?

That’s a good question. The roots of the Anglican Church lie in England, but today the Anglican Church is a communion made up of Christians around the world.

Our vision at All Souls Anglican Church is to participate in God’s mission to redeem the world and a people for his own possession in the University City and Concord area. We believe Jesus’ parables of the Kingdom to be true. God’s Kingdom is at this moment spreading like yeast through dough and growing to become the largest tree in the garden (Matt. 13). We believe that the risen Jesus is alive and at work drawing men, women, and children to faith in him—converting them from death to life and redeeming their hearts, minds, families, and communities. To this end, King Jesus has sent us to University City, Concord, and the surrounding communities to love and serve him and our neighbors in his name.

All Souls Anglican Church is a new church in the University City/Concord area. We are connected to the Anglican Diocese of the Carolinas and the Anglican Church in North America.